
   Cwmbran Electrical Services Ltd. Commercial & Industrial Electrical Services
Call us today: 01633 483416

Photovoltaic Solar Panel installation

Solar-panels-for-Electricity-TorfaenGoing solar is easy, a good investment, and a viable way to reduce carbon emissions. We specialise in the design and installation of home solar electric systems. We have home systems to suit a wide range of budgets and can help you to make the most of the government Feed in Tariffs. Reduce your home or business's carbon footprint at the same time as Dramatically reducing your electricity bill.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology on a small scale is familiar to most people in the UK. It is used to power calculators, road signs, toys and phone chargers. It takes light from the sun, and uses it to run the appliance. Solar PV panels for electricity generation work on the same principle, just at a larger scale.

Sunlight is all you need to get electricity from the panels. It is an unlimited resource that’s never going to stop shining (even though it doesn’t always feel like that in the UK). Although more electricity is produced on sunny days panels work well on overcast days too.

Cwmbran Electrical can supply and install PV solar panels and help you take your first steps in not only saving money on your electricity bills but to contribute to a greener environment.

Call us today to get a free quote for PV Solar panels: 01633 483416

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